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Cult Analysis 

A brief multimedia analysis of The People's Temple of the Disciples of Christ cult using social psychological concepts.

This project was probably my favorite project this semester. I really was able to learn about persuasion, while also learning about cults (which is really cool)! I learned that there are different ways people are able to be coerced into joining cults, one of them being charisma of the leader and another just a search for acceptance from other people. In my powerpoint, I do mention at the end that I do not think that there is a prevention plan to keep people from joining cults, however, I have been thinking about it since the completion of this project and I do think that less people would be inclined to join a cult if they were educated about what a cult looks like from the outside and the strategies leaders may use to convince someone to join. I also could have improved this project as a whole by adding in a slide by slide narration in order to talk about the points I made in the slides in more detail.

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